Purim Is In The AIR! - Mindset For Purim This Year- What Kind Of Anti Semitism Are We Up Against?

Purim Is Coming!! We delve in to the idea of what kind of mitzvah Purim is and what kind of Anti Semitism there was then and how it is applicable to us now. We end with a mindset necessary for this year Purim and hopefully for the rest of our lives. 
I do not ever fundraise during year, but now is the time my organization, Chazak LA reaches out to our listeners  for help to continue our holy work in teaching Torah to the masses. If you would like to help us and become an ambassador of Chazak LA and the Torah I teach by making a fundraising group for our Fundraiser next week March 4th and 5th please email me - Ari@wearechazak.com, I personally answer all emails and look forward to hearing from you. Anyone who makes a group will get a personal shout out from me in future podcasts! Enjoy!
Purim Is In The AIR! - Mindset For Purim This Year- What Kind Of Anti Semitism Are We Up Against?
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