All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in total

Rosh Hashanah- Malchiyut (Kingship of Hashem) - It's All About Soul!

Rosh Hashana is upon us my friends! What is the proper mindset to have when standing before our king and crowning him once again this year? In this Women Shiur we expl...

The Joy of Judgment!- Getting a clear view into Judgment and asking for real life on Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana is getting closer, now is the time to begin thinking and preparing our minds for this incredible day. If you will only listen to one Shiur about Rosh Hash...

Jewish History & Destiny- Israel at long last

In our final Shiur on History we delve in to our most precious of subjects- Israel. This is an emotional roller coaster as we end off our years long exploration of jew...

Jewish History & Destiny- Rise of Islam & Dreaming Of Elul

In This Women Shiur we explore the rise of Islam and its affect on Jewish History. We then reflect upon the beginning of Elul and the True feelings and Avodah we are m...

Tisha B'av- Crying For Something Real- My Personal Meditation to Prepare Myself for the Avodah of Sorrow

I am sitting alone right before Tisha B'Av , as many of you out there feeling ... lost. When this happens I try to find a path to gain clarity as to what I will try an...

Chodesh Av Special Edition- Our Avodah Of This Most Suspenseful Time

Chodesh Av is upon us.. I was feeling unsettled after a year of Mourning so many atrocities to just go into Chodesh Av like any other year. I delved into sources and p...

A-Muse-6- I Lay My Soul Bare, So That We All Can See the Souls of Our Children

If You Listen to one A-Muse , let it be this one. I did not plan to get so emotional or go so raw when I sat down to record, but the Eibishter had other plans. In this...

Fast Day- 17th Of Tamuz- An Original Thought To Make The Fast Meaningful & Fulfilling

In this Monday Night Shiur With my Post High school guys, we explore the idea of fasting and the times we are entering now. We reflect on the act of Pinchas and how hi...

Jewish History & Destiny- Mashiach's Mission

In this Women's Class we discuss the meaning of Mashiach, how Mashiach will reinstitute living life according to Torah values. We then use this as a backdrop to discus...

Jewish History & Destiny- The Giants of The Mishnah & Gemara

It is Mishna & Gemara Time! Explaining our Mesorah's importance and the responsibility and super human efforts of those giants who made it a possibility. We hear about...

Jewish History & Destiny- Post Destruction, Reb Akiva , Reb Yehuda Hanasi and The Mishna's Origin

In this Women's History Shiur , We skip to Post- Second Bet Hamikdash to focus on the origin of our current survival in this very long exile. We go through some unfort...

Jewish History & Destiny- Kings David & Shlomo- Building of Mashiach's Dynasty

In this class we go from Davids origin story as a shepherd to a King. His drive, his set up in Jerusalem and how King Shlomo follows his legacy. Throw in some personal...

Jewish History & Destiny- The Origins of David Hamelech , The Goliath of Our Days & The Silent Simcha of Shavuot

Action Packed Shiur this week! TOO MUCH TO WRITE ABOUT IN ONE LITTLE DESCRIPTION! David Hamelech , Parenting , Makings of a King , War, The need of a Goliath-so David ...

Jewish History & Destiny-The Times of Shaul Hamelech- Todays Kings are the Parents in Each Home

In this Shiur, we see the Torah commands a Jewish King what NOT to own. We delve into the shortcomings and difficulties of being a leader and parent. But we can and ne...

Jewish History And Destiny- The Times of The Shoftim- We Sinned, We Suffered, We Cried, We Defeated, We Prospered.. Repeat!

We continue down the sacred path of History, visiting the times of the Judges, in the book of Shoftim. Some hard hitting insights from the chilling tale of Gideon to t...

A-Muse-5- The SPIFE!!!!!!- Life & Death Are in the Hands of the Tongue

I came across this beautiful Medrash. It pierced right through me and had to share. What in the world is a SPIFE? Find out , it may just save your marriage , your chil...

Jewish History and Destiny- Moshe & Yehoshua- Yom Ha'atzmaut , Spies & Spoils of War

Heavy title ! I get Emotionally charged about my years in Israel, What the Spies mistake was about themselves and what the success and failure in the times of Yehoshua...

A-Muse- 4- Yom Hazikaron Special

In this quick but heartfelt A-muse, I talk to my son Avraham, about the experience I just had that left me in awe of the power of people and the acceptance of Hashem i...

Women Shiur- Mindfully Counting Sefirot - To Reach 49 Levels of Purity

In this Brand-New Class, We explore the mystical world of counting the Sefirot based on the 7 weeks and the 7 Sefirot corresponding to them. Some great references and ...

Women Shiur- The Entire PESACH SEDER- The Secret To Our Immortality

In this weeks Shiur , We lock-in on the Pesach Seder. This is information that has been culled over years of learning from my Rebbi, Rav Berkovitz, of how a Focus Sede...

Women Shiur- Get The Pesach Theme LOCKED-IN For the Seder So It Stays With you , Forever.

In this Shiur we begin to unearth the incredible thought process needed to find the Theme we are obligated to give over to our children and ourselves this Pesach Seder...

Women Shiur- Chodesh Nissan- Parshat Hachodesh: Becoming NEW, Those Who NEW, NEW!

In this weekly women shiur we explore the power of Parshat Hachodesh/ Month of Nissan and how to tap into them. This is one of those classes that pull back the curtain...

A-Muse- 3- Mercedes EQS Luxury SUV - Should I? Could I?

In this third edition of the A-Muse Series, I share with you a story and decision. Was I Right in my final decision? Let me know in the comments. 

Women Shiur- Purim- The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled, Is Making Man Think He doesn't Exist

In this passionate Shiur, we explore how to have a purpose filled fast of Esther and get to know Amalek and what we need to do to erase him. The last few minutes are d...

Women's Class-Purim- Mishloach Manot : Unity Is The Remedy

In this action packed women shiur , we cry and laugh by finding the mysterious realization behind one of the most misunderstood and powerful parts of purim , the Mishl...

Women's Class- Megillah- Revealing The Power of Purim

In this Private Women's Shiur, we explore the hidden potential of how powerful Purim could be , if only we know what to look out for. If you ever felt You called out t...

Muse-2 | Overrated I.Q.

In this Second Episode I talk about the Overrated concept of IQ and the power of passion and cause to drive you.

Muse-1 | Make the First Move

Welcome to my new Podcast! In this first episode we begin to explain our role in making the first move in the effort expected of us from Hashem.

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